IST is a gift to go inside and look around to get to know yourself.

During my training in IST, I have seen why I react to my kids and what makes me tick. Even more, I have seen what I truly care about, what I am passionate about, what makes me who I am.

This is an ongoing process, but as the years pass, I keep returning home. I have much more space inside myself to rest. Through this journey I continue to cultivate a greater sense of calm and peace in myself.

AND IST doesn’t just work for me, I have seen my colleagues, friends, family and clients all benefit from it. It has stood up to the test of time and innumerable life circumstances from death of loved ones, end of life-death & dying, pregnancy-birth, debt, health complications, divorce and stresses in relationships.

You may be experiencing one of these at the moment, a sense of crisis. They can cause our minds to run wild trying to “fix it” to avoid being present with our experience.

IST is an opportunity to return home. Each session is an opportunity to go inside and open. It is time to remember-experience this warmth-peace-strength inside and a deep sense of self-efficacy thus freeing up more space within yourself. There is an entire universe to explore inside of you and many buried treasures.

You may be brought here because you feel stuck and are wanting-needing something to change about yourself, your life or your situation.  You may also be brought here because you are seeking meaning-depth-warmth in your life and are wanting to meditate or begin-continue a spiritual path.  

Together in an IST session we will go within and source what’s inside you. Expect surprises but one guarantee is on the other side of the what has brought you to IST is inner warmth, peace and resourcefulness waiting for your return.

This is a journey to gain self knowledge and to simplify what our minds make overly complex.

It is an opportunity to drop your defense mechanisms and see things as they are beyond what your mind is telling you and returning to a space of inner clarity, a return to center, simply being you.

Going inside solves a plethora of outside problems.

The warmth-peace-strength is inside us all.  

Inside you is this force and will that can do anything, the real you beyond appearances, totally free, creative, resourceful and full of warmth, peace and strength.

Take the opportunity of this moment to reveal it through IST.

Email me at to schedule.


I feel so fortunate to have found the Inner Space Techniques. Throughout my collegiate and graduate years I looked for spiritual practices that had integrity and would create real change within me. This caused me to explore many different modalities while teaching in various school settings until I left education to empower families struggling with teen drug addiction. Then in 2007, I was certified by the International School of Reiki and began to see that my degrees were not what was important but this obsession with the exploration of healing and meditation. While completing my certificate of Theological studies at the Seminary, I opened a Healing Practice. I primarily worked with Hospice patients to reach clarity before dying, assisting their families with grief and helping the hospice staff with self-care. This taught me simplicity, I had to cut through my nonsense if I wanted to help the people I worked with in one of the most important stages of life. However, I was left discontent with the tools I had thus gained in meditation and healing. This aspiration and a fair bit of luck led me to becoming a student of Samuel Sagan, founder of Clairvision School of Meditation, who recognized me as a practitioner of the Inner Space Techniques (IST). Subsequently, I had another grace in working with Mama Gaya of the Ruiz family, during the last years of Her life and spent time in India with Her and Teotihuacan, Mexico with the Ruiz family. I forever appreciate her bluntness that saved me years of work, cutting through to the core of what I needed to see and change. I continue to share what I have learned through offering IST sessions as well as one-on-one intensives at Embody up the Hill in Ashland, OR. Clairvision also affords me the opportunity to continue my studies in meditation and my inner exploration of myself with IST in Fellowship with people around the world. In 2023, I began studying Sanskrit more formally at Yogic Studies. I enjoy sharing all this with those who choose to work with me. Thanks for taking the time to learn about me and I look forward to getting to know you.

With love Teo.