Sincerity and the Pursuit of Truth

After working in healing for over fifteen years and IST for over ten, certain things are becoming clear to me. 

Success comes from sincerity and the pursuit of Truth. 

When we come to do work on ourselves, it is apparent that is is a mindset that leads to change. 

This mindset is humble, it comes from the part of us that does not “know it all.”

It is the part that is curious and inclined to ask questions. 

As we move into “the space” of IST, this creates a depth in the process that reaches to the core of ourselves. 

In my experience with talk therapy, which I did in my early 20s for three years weekly the benefits were immense at the time. 

I came to see the way I looked at life and had the opportunity to change it. 

I was offered meditation and inspirational books, but it all came from my being sincere with Domenico, my psychologist at the time. 

I told him almost as a joke and to try to shock him everything that I was feeling and thinking and doing. I did not realize being a hundred percent transparent was allowing me to unload my baggage and build trust with him. 

I wanted to be happy and I didn’t realize that my upbringing was a major factor in my discontentment and that I could change the way I saw my life and how I approached it. 

As the years passed and the sincerity grew, so did the results. It created moments that had real depth and meaning. 

However, ten years later when I had my first child and was reacting to my inability to soothe her, I realized I wasn’t done. I also realized that although I had also done work in healing there were underlying sources of my discomfort and reactions causing my inability to meet the challenge I was facing. 

This is where IST started breaking some deep grooves of behavior that were encased in me. 

I really wanted to change, I wanted to give my daughter a love and comfort which would help her to know the world was ok, safe and wonderful. 

I couldn’t do this until I resolved these same fears and emotions inside myself. 

I have approached the work from two different spaces one of a victim, helpless and not resourceful and one of a sincere seeker. 

The victim gets stuck and it doesn’t matter if it is me, my clients, my colleagues, the victim always fails. It never changes and it complains or blames everyone else for its problems from God to society to its parents. 

On the other hand the seeker moves into “the space,” a place of discovery, of meaning, of depth. 

When you are inside the space, your seeker is leading the way. It is seeing things, feeling things and learning. 

The seeker inside you is asking questions and it is being honest with what it is seeing and feeling.

Sometimes the things we see are shockingly not what we tell ourselves on a day to day basis. They are memories we have trapped away in the dark recesses of our hearts. They are resources we have that our victim denies. Depths of silence and strength which do not react. 

When we are driven by sincerity we save time by a sliding circling around the wrong issues. We see the things that truly matter and that we have a choice to change. 

We join the long human heritage of the pursuit throughout time of Truth. Something that is undefinable and awe inspiring. This word that burns like an eternal flame inside us all. 

Thanks for reading. And I commend you for taking the journey. 

Much Love,
